Gold Tracker Update # 4
Gold Tracker Eastings and Northings Explained
This is a courtesy email from the Gold Tracker team to inform you of some changes that have been introduced into Gold Tracker. If you have a question or suggestion please send it through via the web page contact form. What’s Happening at Gold Tracker! Tenements Overlay: – As mentioned in the last newsletter update the ability to display tenements on the Gold Tracker map is now operational.

  • Stage one – Adding Tenements to the Gold Tracker Search map is now available for users who have search credits available, with the ability to view Tenements across the state on the Map simply by using the Tenements Toggle button.
  • The Tenements button will be enabled once you have logged into the search page providing you have search credits remaining.
  • The Tenement file is a manually updated file that will normally be updated each Monday, the date of the displayed Tenements will be shown on the Tenements button.

Common User feedback and Questions:

Do my Credits Expire?

  • In short YES,As per the list below:
    • Fossicker Credits – 30 Days from Purchase
    • Prospector Credits – 90 Days from Purchase
    • APLA Credits – 120 Days from Purchase
  • If you purchase additional credits prior to your current credits expiring, the credits are rolled over and added to your new purchase with a new expiry date. (better than most Telcos)

What are Eastings and Northings or Projected Coordinates?

Eastings& Northings are often referred to as UTM or Projected Coordinates, below is a quick description of UTM Eastings and Northings as well as a map of WA showing the various zone.

  • The world is divided into 60 numbered longitudinal Zones (each 6 deg)
  • Four of these cover Western Australia. Zone49, 50, 51, and 52
  • There are 20 Latitude zones (Zone Letter or Zone Character)
  • Four of these also cover Western Australia H, J, K and L
  • Areas can be referenced by quoting Zone number and optional zone letter eg Zone 50J
  • Eastings refer to a point from an origin which is 500,000m west of the Central Meridian, so the western side of a zone is 000000E and the centre us 500,000E
  • Northings in the Northern Hemisphere are metres north of the equator
  • Northings in the Southern Hemisphere are Metres north of a point 10,000,000 Metres south of the equator.

If the above image is does not display correctly or you would like to view a higher resolution version please view the image directly at can’t I search for the highest area near my own coordinates?

  • The returned Marker Pin is the nearest data point on file for your entered position or marked point.
  • This has been noted for future releases.

Can Gold Tracker save my searches for me to download as a file.

  • Currently there is no mechanism to save your searches for download.  This will be considered at a later date, however we are also conscious that some users do not want their search data being saved.

How can I convert from UTM to Lat/Long DMS?   You can convert from UTM and DMS using several methods, the more common ones are:

Don’t forget to keep up to date with the latest information by visiting the following pages:

For those users who use the GeoMap software from DMP; be aware that in the latest version available for download, the “Pan To” function doesn’t have the on screen marker of where the map has panned to. DMP staff are aware of this and are working on resolving the problem. 


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If you need help resetting your password please check out the password help pages at

If you are having any problems using the Gold Tracker site or contacting us through the website please email us directly at

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